Burns Supper January 2015
Thanks to the wonderful generosity of our hosts, the Simpsons, and the generosity of all the participants, we had a great meal and put £360 into the funds. The address to the haggis had John’s usual terrifying flair, and the other toasts were all given by women this year.
Update October 2012
The committee agreed to plan 3 fundraising events for 2013. Look out for details of the Burns’ Supper, the Spring Fling and the Hallowee’en Pub Quiz. If you want to get involved let us know!
Update August 2012
We have decided to spend some of the money that we have raised to help disabled travellers, especially those with FA (Friedreich’s Ataxia) to fund their travel.
We have set up a grants programme that will meet twice a year to consider applications. Travellers we help will share what they learn with us so that we can share it on this website under Travellers Tales.
Previously at WWT
Update: July 09
We commissioned Community Enterprise to do a feasibility study into our big idea. Results showed that we were trying to run before we could walk. It turns out that before there is enough demand for a large vehicle that can tour the world, we will have to actually create that market. We have not lost sight of our dream but are approaching it more slowly. To start with we will help people to realise their travel dreams using our current knowledge and expertise. This will help us to spread the word and get a bigger membership base. After that a mini bus and equipment and eventually – who knows.